Why I'm Cheating on My Husband

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As a married woman, it's not something I ever thought I would say, but here I am. I'm cheating on my husband. And the reason? He refuses to go down on me. It may seem like a small thing to some, but for me, it's a big deal. I have needs and desires that aren't being met, and I refuse to live a life of sexual dissatisfaction. So, I turned to an online dating website to fulfill my needs.

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Sexual compatibility is crucial in any relationship, and unfortunately, my husband and I are lacking in that department. I've tried to communicate with him about my needs, but he dismisses them as unimportant. For me, oral sex is a vital part of a fulfilling sex life, and without it, I feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied.

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The Impact on Our Marriage

The lack of sexual satisfaction has taken a toll on our marriage. I find myself feeling resentful and disconnected from my husband. I no longer feel desired or valued in our relationship, and it has led me to seek fulfillment elsewhere. I love my husband, but I refuse to settle for a life of sexual dissatisfaction.

Exploring My Options

After months of feeling neglected and unfulfilled, I decided to explore my options. I joined a free local dating website in search of someone who could fulfill my needs. I was upfront about my situation, and to my surprise, I found many men who were understanding and willing to provide me with the satisfaction I craved.

The Guilt and Shame

Cheating on my husband has not been an easy decision for me. I often feel guilty and ashamed of my actions. However, I refuse to apologize for seeking what I deserve. I have tried to communicate with my husband and work on our sexual issues, but he is unwilling to meet me halfway. I refuse to live a life of sexual dissatisfaction, and I refuse to apologize for seeking fulfillment elsewhere.

Moving Forward

As I continue my extramarital affairs, I am faced with the reality of my situation. I love my husband, but I refuse to live a life of sexual dissatisfaction. I am open to the possibility of ending my marriage, but for now, I am focused on finding the sexual fulfillment that I deserve. I know that my actions may not be popular or accepted by everyone, but I refuse to apologize for seeking what I need to be happy.

In conclusion, cheating on my husband was not a decision I made lightly. It was a result of feeling neglected and unfulfilled in my marriage. I refuse to apologize for seeking sexual satisfaction, and I refuse to settle for a life of dissatisfaction. I am hopeful that I will find a solution to my marital issues, but for now, I am focused on finding the fulfillment that I deserve.